Happy Science has drafted the Social media Guidelines for appropriate use of SNS, such as Facebook, Twitter, LINE and Google+.

The following guidelines are the summary for personal use and recommended for not only Happy Science Group staff and lay branch managers, but also its members.

Write an “Exemption Clause” Clearly [MOST IMPORTANT]

Contributors can be identified through their past send-in or through the people they interact with, even when they submit anonymously or using pseudonyms.

Please indicate clearly in the profile section that “opinions and/or activities posted here are my personal views and do not represent that of Happy Science.”

Beware of Copyright Infringements and Information Leakage:

Try not to post unauthorized literary and artistic works, such as other people’s photographs, passages, production and works, including use of photographs of famous people and/or characters for your profile photo. If you do such things, it could harm/violate the rights of individuals, or the third parties. (Post something with enough care.)

Careful not to leak information that is not supposed to be released.

Protect the Members, Associated Companies and Organizations:

Happy Science Group has been operating many projects and activities, and supported by a lot of members and associated institutions. Their important information and data shouldn’t be released carelessly.

Do not release someone’s comments and behaviour without permission.

Avoid disclosing and identifying personal or company’s unfavourable information which is not supposed to be released; such as name, location, etc.

It is important to consider not to produce disadvantages for the members and associated institutions.

Check What You Post Carefully:

You’re accountable for your actions and statements.

Understand that what you have posted can be released worldwide, and it is almost impossible to delete it completely.

It could be a clue to identify you by what you’ve posted before, even if you set anonymity; using a different name or no name.

Correct immediately when you find that you’ve posted wrong information/statements.

(Note) Know that conducts (and behaviour) of each one of us will affect the reputation and credence of the Happy Science Group.

Be Careful about Facebook (such as “Friend Request” and its Groups Function):

Crimes as fraud, using Facebook, have been reported. Those are sometime tricky; spoof and pretend to be someone by using real name.

Do not accept a “friend request” carelessly. Make sure you know him/her before accepting the request.

Check the settings; “secret,” “closed” and “open” carefully, when you use the group function, and be careful about what you post.

Avoid using official group names, including such words as “Happy Science” for the unofficial groups. It can be mistaken to be the official groups of Happy Science.

Write an “exception clause” clearly: “This group is unofficial. Please note that what are communicated here are not official views (and position) of Happy Science in any of exchange.”

Always be Fair and Courteous:

Social media is available to a large number of unspecified people. and sometimes a subject may turn into some debates and arguments.

Try to have a constructive conversation online with the heart and mind of giving love, and self-reflection we’ve been learning through the Happy Science teaching. Try not to get emotional even when some people try to argue.

※For Happy Science Group staff, please be sure to read “the Social Media Guidelines” on the intranet in detail.