Prayer Books
Happy Science Prayer Books
Sutras Given Directly in English

The English Sutra, "The True Words Spoken By Buddha" is directly given by Master Ryuho Okawa, which is now the main fundamental sutra of Happy Science and is inspired by the consicousness of Shakyamuni Buddha.
The prayers “Come What May / A Prayer of Thanks” are also directly given in English by Master Ryuho Okawa. “Come What May” is inspired by Buddha and “A Prayer of Thanks” is inspired by Jesus Christ. This sutra and prayers have the power to purify our minds.
Japanese Sutras Translated in English

The translation from the Japanese sutra, "Bussetsu Shoshinhogo" and Other Six Sutras contains the core teachings of Happy Science, and extensive explanations of this sutra can be found in the number of books written by Master Ryuho Okawa. “Bussetsu Shoshinhogo” is inspired by Shakyamuni Buddha’s consciousness. The sutra has 10,000 times more power than the Lotus Sutra or the Heart Sutra of Buddhism. “Prayer Book I” and “Prayer Book II” contains various types of prayers to elevate and attune your mind towards Buddha or God to make the world a better place through your mind.

Master Ryuho Okawa granted “Prayer to El Cantare” in 2010 exclusively to the devotees of the Three Treasures.
This holy sutra, “Prayer to El Cantare,” pronounces the greatness and the existence of El Cantare, the God of the Earth, in whom we believe. This is a precious sutra that reminds us of our mission. This sutra also contains “the Principles of Happiness,” namely “the Fourfold Path” (Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection and Progress). Since Master Okawa granted us with the “Prayer to El Cantare”, Happy Science has advanced in faith to a higher level, toward our belief in the God of the Earth.
“Prayer for the Development of Our Temples”
This sutra is for all the disciples to deeply contemplate the meaning of our missionary base and pledge to develop the temple and spread the Truth through missionary work to prevail light, happiness, and utopia throughout their country. The sutra also contains, “The Eight Merits to Become a Member”, “Six Merits to Become a Devotee”, and “What to Expect from a New Member”.