Become a member
How To Join Us?
Happy Science offers membership for those interested in studying Ryuho Okawa’s teachings to advance further in their personal growth and to become part of an active community working together to practice sharing happiness with others.
All Happy Science members aim to study the spiritual Truth from Ryuho Okawa's teachings and practice exploring their minds each day. This practice is called: the Exploration of the Right Mind. Also, members practice the Fourfold Path of Love, Wisdom, Self-reflection and Progress. This is the modern path to improving ourselves, discovering true happiness and bringing positive changes in our life. Through these efforts, members can receive the right guidance based on wisdom that leads to the deepening of their spirituality. Happy Science is open to anyone who has an aspiration to learn, attain happiness and to share that happiness with others.
About Happy Science Membership
Happy Science is an organization that aims to cultivate people’s souls, and deepen their love and wisdom through learning and practicing in the teachings (the Truth) taught by Master Ryuho Okawa. Members study the teachings through books, lectures and seminars that impart spiritual knowledge about life and the world. They also practice meditation and self-reflection on a daily basis, based on the Truth they have learned. In this way, members deepen their understanding toward life, enrich their character and improve their leadership qualities. As a result, they are empowered to contribute to the development of the world.